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- Shaolin 5 Animals Health & Power Program (Tiger, Leopard, Snake, Crane

Shaolin 5 Animals Health & Power Program (Tiger, Leopard, Snake, Crane and Dragon)
Type: Unknown Type
Vendor: Green Dragon Kung Fu
Thirty sets of isotonic and internal exercises, six each based on the Tiger, Leopard, Snake, Crane and Dragon. These sets are very rare perhaps dating to the Tang Dynasty, if not to the earlier animal patterns of the legendary Hua To. Broken down, the six sets of the Tiger are for power development and strong bones; the Leopard for speed and quickness/ fast reflexes; the Snake for proper breathing and suppleness of the spine; the Crane for balance, grace, and fluidity; and the Dragon for awareness. All thirty done consecutively represent one of the finest exercise programs to come out of China, and prepares the practitioner for many advanced programs coming later in training.Suggested Just For You
- 2-Man Sets
- Allen Sifu: Instruction/Presentations
- Allen Sifu: Master's Series
- Allen Sifu: Personally Instructs
- Bok Mei Pai "White Eyebrow" Style
- Chang Ch'uan "Emperor's Long Fist"
- Choy Li Fut
- Dragon Styles
- Empty Hand: 1. Beginners Level
- Empty Hand: 2. Intermediate Level
- Empty Hand: 3. Advanced Level
- Empty Hand: 4. Expert Level
- Featured Forms
- Honan/Henan Shaolin
- Hsing I (Northern and Southern)
- Hung Style
- Internal Systems
- Iron Buddha
- Mantis
- Monkey
- Ng Ga Kuen (Southern Five Family style)
- Northern Five Animals Shaolin
- Novice Level
- Plum Blossom Style
- Self-Defense Focus: Fighting/Combat Skills and Strength
- Shantung "Shandong" Shaolin
- Southern Five Animal Shaolin
- Strength Programs
- Tams
- Training Packs
- Wanderer's Style (rare)
- Weapons: 1. Beginner's Level
- Weapons: 2. Intermediate Level
- Weapons: 3. Advanced Level
- Weapons: 4. Expert Level
- Weapons: 5. Double or Twin (Advanced and Expert Level)
- White Lotus Combined System (Ancient Style) Empty Hand & Weapons