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- Empty Hand: 2. Intermediate Level
Empty Hand: 2. Intermediate Level
It has been the repeated experience of Green Dragon that many of what we consider to be intermediate level forms are actually the equivalent of advanced forms in many other schools. Nevertheless in our judgement we view these 12 sets as midway between beginning and advanced. All are truly excellent fighting forms in every respect and would be interesting challenging and highly productive to any Kung-Fu student. The variety alone can have an exceptionally positive impact on the balance and overall development of a serious trainee. Additionally we have included the Master's Series video on Empty Hand Fighting: without this level of understanding for self-defense one simply cannot move beyond an elemental knowledge fighting forms and their purpose. A wealth of knowledge is captured in these videos. Excellent content for instructors and students alike.
- 2-Man Sets
- Allen Sifu: Instruction/Presentations
- Allen Sifu: Master's Series
- Allen Sifu: Personally Instructs
- Bok Mei Pai "White Eyebrow" Style
- Chang Ch'uan "Emperor's Long Fist"
- Choy Li Fut
- Dragon Styles
- Empty Hand: 1. Beginners Level
- Empty Hand: 2. Intermediate Level
- Empty Hand: 3. Advanced Level
- Empty Hand: 4. Expert Level
- Featured Forms
- Fighting/Combat Techniques
- Honan/Henan Shaolin
- Hsing I (Northern and Southern)
- Hung Style
- Internal Systems
- Iron Buddha
- Mantis
- Monkey
- Ng Ga Kuen (Southern Five Family style)
- Northern Five Animals Shaolin
- Novice Level
- Plum Blossom Style
- Shantung "Shandong" Shaolin
- Southern Five Animal Shaolin
- Strength Programs
- Tams
- Training Packs
- Wanderer's Style (rare)
- Weapons: 1. Beginner's Level
- Weapons: 2. Intermediate Level
- Weapons: 3. Advanced Level
- Weapons: 4. Expert Level
- Weapons: 5. Double or Twin (Advanced and Expert Level)
- White Lotus Combined System (Ancient Style) Empty Hand & Weapons