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- Ng Ga Kuen (Southern Five Family style)
- Butterfly Knives Drive the Tigers from the Mountains (Wan Ning To Ming

This is, simply speaking, the most comprehensive Butterfly Knives form known!! A true ''Masters Lever'' set exemplifies literally everything in Butterfly Knife work. The form was specially devised by several Masters of the past whose intention was to combine all of the major movements possible with this popular weapon as distilled from all of the Southern Shaolin styles. It would take an entire page to describe it. Some 120-150 steps in length (depending on how you count the compounds), it does exactly what the Masters had in mind: teach mastery of Butterfly Knives within one form!! Needless to say, this one takes months to learn properly, many more to perfect, and enormous stamina to perform correctly with power and speed, but, when so learned, you will have a form like no other! Very few sets of any kind from any style are as demanding, and, hence, few hold the potential this one does. Highly recommended!
Suggested Just For You
- 2-Man Sets
- Allen Sifu: Instruction/Presentations
- Allen Sifu: Master's Series
- Allen Sifu: Personally Instructs
- Bok Mei Pai "White Eyebrow" Style
- Chang Ch'uan "Emperor's Long Fist"
- Choy Li Fut
- Dragon Styles
- Empty Hand: 1. Beginners Level
- Empty Hand: 2. Intermediate Level
- Empty Hand: 3. Advanced Level
- Empty Hand: 4. Expert Level
- Featured Forms
- Honan/Henan Shaolin
- Hsing I (Northern and Southern)
- Hung Style
- Internal Systems
- Iron Buddha
- Mantis
- Monkey
- Ng Ga Kuen (Southern Five Family style)
- Northern Five Animals Shaolin
- Novice Level
- Plum Blossom Style
- Self-Defense Focus: Fighting/Combat Skills and Strength
- Shantung "Shandong" Shaolin
- Southern Five Animal Shaolin
- Strength Programs
- Tams
- Training Packs
- Wanderer's Style (rare)
- Weapons: 1. Beginner's Level
- Weapons: 2. Intermediate Level
- Weapons: 3. Advanced Level
- Weapons: 4. Expert Level
- Weapons: 5. Double or Twin (Advanced and Expert Level)
- White Lotus Combined System (Ancient Style) Empty Hand & Weapons