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- Ng Ga Kuen (Southern Five Family style)
- Tiger Fork: Make Circles to Deceive the Tiger (Chiao Yuan Ch'uan Ho K'

Make Circles to Deceive the Tiger: The ultimate Tiger Fork set! A ''3rd level/closed door'' form from the Southern 5-Family system, this set is probably the premier Tiger Fork form in existence. This is also a ''Master'' form and as such, Tiger Fork moves not represented in this form are usually only rearrangements of steps or combinations which this form does contain. Green Dragon uses forks in the 25-30 lbs. range and has found this set to build enormous stability in stances, a very strong waist (from the constant turning under pressure), and great strength in the hands, wrists, arms, and shoulders. Developmental carry-over to other sets, both empty hand and with weapons, is considerable. The form is executed on line, a good indication that much of its content is Northern in origination. Highly recommended!
Suggested Just For You
- 2-Man Sets
- Allen Sifu: Instruction/Presentations
- Allen Sifu: Master's Series
- Allen Sifu: Personally Instructs
- Bok Mei Pai "White Eyebrow" Style
- Chang Ch'uan "Emperor's Long Fist"
- Choy Li Fut
- Dragon Styles
- Empty Hand: 1. Beginners Level
- Empty Hand: 2. Intermediate Level
- Empty Hand: 3. Advanced Level
- Empty Hand: 4. Expert Level
- Featured Forms
- Honan/Henan Shaolin
- Hsing I (Northern and Southern)
- Hung Style
- Internal Systems
- Iron Buddha
- Mantis
- Monkey
- Ng Ga Kuen (Southern Five Family style)
- Northern Five Animals Shaolin
- Novice Level
- Plum Blossom Style
- Self-Defense Focus: Fighting/Combat Skills and Strength
- Shantung "Shandong" Shaolin
- Southern Five Animal Shaolin
- Strength Programs
- Tams
- Training Packs
- Wanderer's Style (rare)
- Weapons: 1. Beginner's Level
- Weapons: 2. Intermediate Level
- Weapons: 3. Advanced Level
- Weapons: 4. Expert Level
- Weapons: 5. Double or Twin (Advanced and Expert Level)
- White Lotus Combined System (Ancient Style) Empty Hand & Weapons